Our Address:
12200 Fairhill Road, Floor A3
Fairhill Partners Collaborative Campus
Cleveland, OH 44120

"Opening Day" Anniversary | Ohio Adoption Records

Wednesday, March 20, 2024
8:00 am9:00 am

Happy Anniversary Ohio Adult Adoptees!
March 20, 2024, is the 9th anniversary of Ohio’s “Opening Day." On this day in 2015, Ohio fully implemented S.B. 23 making previously closed original birth records accessible upon request to 400,000 adult adoptees. For Adoption Network Cleveland this was the culmination of decades of work advocating for adoptee rights.

As we celebrate, we encourage community members to travel back with us via our video collection and timelines available on our website:https://www.adoptionnetwork.org/service-areas/advocacy/ohio-adoptees-access/