General Discussion Meeting: Special Topic, Nature vs. Nurture facilitated by Barbara and Dan

Special Topic: Nature vs. Nurture
Theorists and researchers have long debated whether traits or abilities are inborn or forged after birth. How much of us is ingrained in our DNA? What is the impact of parenting and other factors? Are babies “blank slates”? Join us as we discuss our own journeys and how we feel genetics and/or environment impact who we are today.
About General Discussion Meetings
These gatherings provide a safe place where people can share their feelings and experiences, get support from their peers, and learn from others’ perspectives. The meetings have an open discussion format and are attended by anyone with a connection to adoption or foster care, including adult adoptees, birth parents, siblings, and adoptive parents, those that have experienced foster or kinship care, or DNA discoveries such as misattributed parentage or donor conception. Professionals are also welcome to come and learn from the shared perspectives of the constellation members.
All are welcome. Register to receive a link to this virtual discussion.