Co-regulation as a Superpower: | Family Ties Monthly Gathering and Teen TEA

Our Family Ties Program hosts Co-regulation as a Superpower: Creating Internal Safety. Families interested in our Family Ties Program, as well as visitors wishing to participate in this program designed to improve communications, behavior, and increase healthy interactions are welcome!
About Co-regulation as a Superpower:
Effectively reducing or preventing poor outcomes linked to early childhood trauma, dysfunction, or instability requires a holistic approach that empowers parents and caregivers. The inability to create felt safety results in emotional dysregulation and disruption which in turn impacts children's behavior, communications, and level of healthy interactions. This workshop will help parents and caregivers understand the effects and expressions of trauma, while building the skills to help your child or children find emotional safety.
In this program, we will:
1. Briefly review the impact of early childhood trauma, highlighting signs and symptoms related to cognitive and emotional impairment.
2. Define dysregulation and build an understanding of the connection between thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and triggers.
3. Learn co-regulation techniques and grounding strategies to improve behavior, communication, and healthy interactions.
About LaToya Logan, MSSA, LISW-S, ABD
LaToya served as the Region 3 Director and Board Member for the Ohio Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, 2017 - 2021. She continues her service as the NASW-OH's National Delegate Assembly Member and as a part of the Anti-Racist/Anti-Oppression Committee. She is an adjunct professor and field instructor at Case Western Reserve University Joseph, Jack, and Morton Mandel School for Applied Social Sciences and a field instructor at Cleveland State University School of Social Work. Furthermore, LaToya is the founder and CEO of Project LIFT Services, a prevention and social justice agency, serving Black males ages 14 and older who have experienced or been exposed to high risk factors impacting social health determinants. Logan proudly served on the Cleveland Community Police Commission from 2016 - 2022, working towards police reform with a clear focus on accountability and transformational change.
How To Attend:
1. Registration is required.
2. Join in-person and arrive at 6:00 PM for dinner, or 6:30 PM for presentation only, or join virtually via Zoom at 6:30 PM ET.
3. In-person attendees' children are welcome. Attending children will engage in constructive activities for their age group.
Please contact Janelle Poskocil. See contact listing below.