Public Assistance for Children with Disabilities | Education Series Part 3

Join us in-person or virtually for Part 3 of our Education Series: Public Assistance for Children with Disabilities. Participants are welcome to join Part 3 without attending Part 1 or 2. Parents/caregivers can attend in person at our office. We will offer snacks and drinks to our in-person guests. Please note childcare and dinner is not provided for this presentation. For a full description of the series, please click here:
About Public Assistance for Children with Disabilities
Join attorney Frank Hickman of Hickman Lowder for this discussion of federal, state, and local assistance available for children with disabilities. We will cover benefits available from various agencies such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicaid, Waivers, County Boards of Developmental Disabilities and Ohio Family and Children's First Council, and answer your questions.
Where, and when (childcare is not available for this session):
In-Person and Virtual education presentation begins at 7:00 PM ET.
In-Person: Join Us on the 3rd Floor (A3) of the Fairhill Partners Building, 12200 Fairhill Road, Cleveland