Our Address:
12200 Fairhill Road, Floor A3
Fairhill Partners Collaborative Campus
Cleveland, OH 44120

Cleveland Charge Basketball: ANC Family Social

Join us for a family social at Cleveland Monster's Opening Game, Adoption Network Cleveland will provide the tickets and families can provide cheers.

Join us for an Adoption Network Family Social Event to cheer up our Cleveland Charge Basketball team as they take on the Long Island Nets! A special treat as Athleta presents Women's History Night and the Cleveland Rocker's 25th Anniversary with free t-shirts to the first 1,000 fans, autographed team photos, and opportunity for postgame free throws

Were: CSU Wolstein Center
When: Saturday, March 18, 7:00 PM
Tickets: Free with courtesy of Adoption Network Cleveland with registration. Register by or before 3/13.
Parking: Please plan for your family's transportation or parking.