ABCs of IEPs and 504s, Education Series Part 1 | Family Ties Monthly Gathering and Teen TEA

Our Family Ties Program hosts PART I of our Education Series: The ABCs of IEPs and 504s. Families interested in our Family Ties Program, as well as visitors wishing to participant in this special education series are welcome! For a full description of the series, click here:
About Education Series: The ABCs of IEPs and 504s
Hickman Lowder education advocate Mary Jo O’Neill and attorney Janet Fleck Griffith will provide an overview of three different ways to get additional support for your student:
1. Interventions such as reading improvement plans
2. 504 Plans, and
3. Individualized Education Programs (IEP).
We will discuss the difference between the three options including legal origins, evaluation process, and plan structure. Last, we will share tips on how to know when your child needs additional support and which level of support is appropriate.
Where, when, and kids!
In-Person Education Series Attendees & Family Ties and Teen TEA program will begin with dinner at 6:00 PM.
In-Person and Virtual education presentation begins at 6:30 PM.
In-Person Children and Teens: Children 11 and under will participate in a staffed art therapy and play activity, and older children may join a special Teen TEA program for this evening.