Better Late Than Never: Finding Ourselves, While Finding Family with Dee McGee

Whether you have always known you were adopted or, like me, you found out later in life (Late Discovery Adoptees), our life’s journey draws us to know what makes our minds and bodies work whether physically, spiritually or mentally.
Psychologist Abraham Maslow’s established Hierarchy of Needs touch every part of the adoptee’s life as we struggle with nature vs nurture. From entry base level of need (1) Physiological up to (2) Safety, (3) Belongingness (4) Self Esteem and ultimately (5) Self-actualization.
Together, we will talk about identity (i.e., your name, photos, genetics, medical history), safety, belongingess, and living a fulfilling life as an adoptee.
About Dee McGee
Dee McGee is passionate about helping others transform their lives through verbal communication, which leads, first, to visualization of goals, and then, to their sought outcome(s). A public relations and community engagement professional with over three decades of experience, Dee relies on her seasoned insight and proven expertise to assist clients and employees with improving both their presentation, and leadership skills.
Additionally, Dee is an eloquent and experienced public speaker. Since 2004, she has served in various leadership roles within Toastmasters International. In 2021, She was honored with the “Distinguished Toastmaster Award,” which is the highest level of recognition in the Toastmasters.
Dee earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Rhetoric & Communications from the University of Pittsburgh, and a Master of Science degree in Technical & Science Communication from Drexel University. Additionally, she completed the year-long, Executive Potential Program through the Graduate School USA as preparation for senior leadership opportunities within the federal government.
She enjoys participating in national adoptee support groups as well as coaching and supporting others through their adoptee experience to include the search and reunion journey.
In her spare time, she enjoys fine dining, visiting museums, the performing arts, dancing, learning about resilient people, physical fitness, mindfulness sessions, the beach, spas, festivals, retreats, trivia/games, and working on her bucket list.