Rock Climbing at Nosotros, Lakewood: An ANC Family Social

Imagine your family summiting Red Rock or bouldering in Kalymnos all from a safe, climate controlled, and easy to reach destination -Nosotros (indoor) Rock Climbing Gym (Lakewood location)! There is fun for all ages even the harder to please tweens and teens. Admissions, shoes, hand chalk, water, and snacks will be provided. Young children may opt to climb in their socks vs climbing shoes! Enjoy screen-free family fun with Adoption Network Cleveland at Nosotros!
Date: Sunday, January 29th
Time: 2:00 - 4:00 PM
Registration: Required, and due by or before Monday, January 23rd.
Waiver: Registration confirmation email will provide a required waiver to be completed.
Bring: A sense of adventure, imagination, and family.
Venue Info: