Monday Evening Speaker Series
Exploring Racism and How to Prevent It
with Moses Farrow
Racism is not new to those of us who have been transracially adopted. And it didn’t just start with the outbreak of COVID-19. It’s never an easy topic to discuss, but a necessary one to address at any time. With the outpouring of headlines of attacks against Asian Americans, Moses Farrow welcomes this opportunity to add the adoption perspective to this issue and offer his views on mental health, resilience, and empowerment for both victims and bystanders. Participants are invited to this discussion to explore the surge in racism and what we can do together to prevent it from reoccurring in future generations.
Moses Farrow has led a private life as a Marriage and Family Therapist. However, in recent years, he has become more outspoken about his childhood and advocating for mental health, child abuse prevention, and adoption reform. As a transracial adoptee from Korea, being raised in a family of 14, ten of whom were adopted from countries across the world, Moses draws from his unique perspective to empower adoptees to speak their truth. He believes that we won’t fully understand the impacts of adoption unless we all raise our voices. Along his journey, he has contributed in numerous ways to the mental health field and the field of adoption and had written a personal blog in 2018 that has garnered global attention. Most recently, he co-founded a national movement, IAMNOTAVIRUS.INFO, to elevate the visibility of the Asian American community and inspire kindness and compassion and is now advocating for the prevention of anti-Asian violence and solidarity among all Americans.