Parent Group Leader Training
A two-day parent leader-focused training designed for adoptive, kinship and foster parents who are group leaders or hope to establish a parent support group. 9 am to 4 pm each day.
Friday is Group Leadership including: Leadership Styles and Development; Advocacy and System Support; Group Development, Facilitation, Sustainability and Growth; and Peer-to-Peer Networks, Social Support
Saturday will be Parent Skills including: Kinship Family Dynamics; Openness in Adoption; Identity and Self-Imaging in Multiracial/Multicultural Families; Trauma Informed Parenting, ACE's and Managing Challenging Behaviors; and Advocating for your Child.
Lunch & Snacks will be provided!
Professionals are welcome to attend with parent leaders.
Presented in partnership with North American Council on Adoptable Children and sponsored by Jockey Being Family (