Making Sense of Sensory Processing Disorders
An Adoption Awareness Coalition Learning Community Workshop
Participants at this workshop for professionals and foster or adoptive parents will learn about sensory processing disorders and how these behaviors manifest in youth who have experienced trauma. The facilitated panel of professionals will provide information about interventions and disciplines available to help them succeed.
Learning Description
A critical part of a child recovering from trauma includes a supportive caregiving system, access to effective treatments, and service systems that are trauma informed. The facilitated panel of professionals will provide information about interventions and disciplines available to children to help them succeed.
1. Participants will become aware of the resources and services available to children who have experienced trauma.
2. Participants will gain a better understanding of EMDR therapy (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and Neurofeedback and how trauma and attachment affect the brain.
3. Participants will gain a better understanding of the benefits of integrative medicine and the role nutrition plays in interventions.
4. Participants will gain a better understanding of a non-medical approach that combines physical and sensory motor exercises with cognitive training and nutrition.