OCWTP Adoptive Parent Training
TOPIC: "How About Normalcy and the World of Work"
TRAINER: Anthony President
DESCRIPTION: Teaching our youth about life skills also means preparing them and giving them the opportunity for employment before they leave the system. This workshop will show how Normalcy and the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard can be used to provide youth in care with job and career exploration experiences and activities to help them choose jobs and careers for now and in the near future. Ideal for: Licensed Caregiver Homes; Kinship Caregivers.
RSVP AT LEAST ONE WEEK BEFORE EACH SESSION. Foster parents, adoptive parents, and caregivers licensed by CCDCFS must register using the CCDCFS automated telephone registration line at (216) 881-2022. Please contact Eddie Lebron at (216) 881-5390 with any questions. Private agency foster parents, adoptive parents, and caregivers not licensed by Cuyahoga County Division of Children and Family Services (CCDCFS) should contact your agency's training liaison for registration.
Please note that sessions may be canceled if there is low registration. We do our best to notify registrants of cancellations, but we recommend calling the day before your program to ensure that the program has not been canceled to eliminate any inconvenience this may cause.