2020’s Creating Futures Raffle offered participants the “trip of a lifetime” to one of many dream travel destinations. The raffle raised over $11,000 to support Adoption Network Cleveland. On September 4th, native Ohioan Janna French’s name was drawn in the raffle.
Janna bought the raffle tickets after her former co-worker and current Adoption Network Cleveland Board Member, Tom Sohlberg, told her about the opportunity. She doubted her chances of winning and was satisfied with just making the donation to a worthy cause. She joked that she rarely won anything, only “a boy’s bicycle from a drug store at age 10.” When Janna received the call that she had won the trip, she was shocked beyond belief.
Janna and her mother always dreamed of visiting Ireland one day, and this fundraiser gave her an opportunity to do so. After tracing their ancestors back to Ireland, the two were inspired to explore these cultural roots and visit places where their ancestors once lived. Although the pandemic has stopped travel for now, Janna and her mother are hopeful that they can go next year and celebrate the Queen of England’s Platinum Jubilee.
Since winning the trip, Janna has joined ANC’s Public Policy committee and is excited to engage with the organization. “I’m really thankful for this opportunity, it truly is the trip of a lifetime,” Janna exclaimed. We hope Janna and her mother enjoy their trip and we thank everyone who participated in the raffle!