Do you want to leave a lasting impact on the Adoption Network Cleveland community? Not sure how to leave your mark? You have options! Planned giving is not limited to just people of great wealth, and can be done in a variety of ways including, limited to:
- IRA charitable rollover
- Bequests through your will
- Retirement plan assets
- Life insurance
- Larger gift paid over multiple years
- Gift designated to our endowment
Gift planning with Adoption Network Cleveland is a creative process that adapts to the changing philanthropic needs and wishes of our supporters. Successful planning allows you to make charitable contributions in ways that maximize personal, family, and philanthropic goals.
We will collaborate with you and your family, your financial advisors, and anyone you would like to be a part of the conversation to make the process as smooth as possible. We would love to assist you in planning a gift that is significant to you, just like Murray and Susan Van Epp did in 2019.
Through the Van Epp’s generosity and thoughtful planning, we received our largest individual donation ever, a $100,000 charitable rollover from Murray’s IRA. This gift is truly an investment in Adoption Network’s future. Murray and Susan’s giving approach included making a gift now so they would be able to see the impact of their gift on others. It demonstrates that inspiring contributions can be done at any point during your life. Learn more about Murray and Susan’s generous mindsets and connection to Adoption Network Cleveland.
You can join the Van Epps in our Legacy Circle–a group of individuals who have pledged to infuse our community with opportunity through a planned gift.
Meaningful gifts in any amount make a difference and are deeply appreciated. Every dollar you donate ensures our organization will continue to change lives with the people who will need us in the years to come. Or, if you have already included Adoption Network Cleveland in your giving plan, we would love to hear from you!
These are just a few examples of the many planned giving options available to you. We encourage you to discuss these options with your financial advisor. If you do not have a financial advisor or would appreciate additional planned giving assistance, Adoption Network Cleveland is an organizational partner with the Cleveland Foundation, whose professional staff can provide additional expert guidance on planned giving options to donors. Information on our endowment fund at the Cleveland Foundation can be found HERE.
For more information about Adoption Network Cleveland's current programs and to start a conversation about planned giving, reach out to us today at (216) 482-2311 or CamilleRose.Smith@adoptionnetwork.org.