1. No diapers to change, or bottles, formula or burp rags required;
2. They sleep through the night;
3. They will move out sooner…but can still visit;
4. They will keep you up-to-date on the latest fashion and music;
5. No more carpools – they can drive you places;
6. They can help around the house;
7. They can learn from you;
8. You can learn from them, including how to operate your newest phone app;
9. Watching them grow into adulthood is simply amazing;
10. You don’t just receive a child, you gain a friend and build a family!
Ever thought about adopting a teenager, but you were unsure if that was even a possibility? Families are needed for teens in permanent custody and who are available for adoption. Talk to our Permanency Navigator to find out where to start, what questions to ask and how to successfully navigate the process. Julius Jackson can be reached at (216) 482-2324 or julius.jackson@adoptionnetwork.org.
Information on all of our services for prospective parents can be found at www.adoptionnetwork.org/service-areas/family-hub/prospective-parents/.
This list was adapted from a list developed by the Oklahoma Youth Advisory Board at http://www.kinshipcenter.org/resources/blog/top-ten-reasons-to-adopt-a-teenager.html