Since 1993, Adoption Network Cleveland has welcomed birthmothers and their supporters for our annual Birthmother’s Day Ceremony on the day before Mother’s Day. This ceremony provides the opportunity to honor and recognize all women whose children were placed for adoption.
At Adoption Network, we understand the unique experience and journey that birthmothers share. To be separated from your child and a child from its mother is life changing.
Our Birthmother’s Day Ceremony was closely modeled after a program that was created by a group of birthmothers in Seattle, Washington. Although the ceremony was originally inspired by the format of the Seattle group, our ceremony has beautifully evolved into our own over the years in Cleveland. Our birthmothers have met and modified it adding new additions every year from music to artwork to poetry.
This ceremony offers a safe place to feel respected, understood and supported for the last 26 years. “We come together to talk and support one another,” says Jeanne Hood. “We come together to honor and celebrate our birthmotherhood through special ceremonies like this.”
During the ceremony, birthmothers share poetry, music and other readings reflecting their experiences and journey as a birthmother together. “The ceremony spoke the words of my heart, and what my voice could not,” says Dawn Colson who previously attended with her daughter and her adoptive dad. “Our stories are as unique as the lives we live. We came together with one commonality.”
Over the years, our ceremony has evolved and various changes have been made but we still understand and support the distinctive and special journey each birthmother experiences. “It’s also very powerful to stand before the circle of birthmothers and look out at each one and to know that you understand their sadness and their loss. It is what all share,” says Jeanne.
This year’s ceremony will take place on Saturday, May 11th, 11:15 a.m. at the Independence Civic Center. The event is open to the public. We welcome all birthmothers and their family and supporters as well as adoptive families.
Registration is requested. For more information and to register for the Birthmother’s Day Ceremony, please contact Deborah Wentz at deborah.wentz@adoptionnetwork.org, (216) 482-2327 or click here to register online.