The majority of gifts donated during the holiday season are toys and games for young children, but it’s still important for older youth to feel the holiday spirit!
Youth often get overlooked when we plan our donations and giving for the holidays. Through Adoption Network Cleveland’s Annual Gift Card Drive, local older youth participating in our programs will receive a gift we know they will love this holiday season and at milestones throughout the year — such as their birthday or graduation. Help us make the holidays special for the "Big Kids" by donating a $25 gift card. Consider donating a gift card to stores with multiple locations such as Target, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, etc. or a VISA gift card that can be used wherever credit cards are accepted.
Each gift card donated (or purchased through your donations) will rejuvenate the magic of the holidays for a local youth who has experienced trauma, is currently in foster care or who has been in foster care.
Gift card donations (preferably in $25 denominations) can be mailed directly to:
Adoption Network Cleveland
4614 Prospect Avenue, Suite 550
Cleveland, OH 44103
Monetary donations designated to the Gift Card Drive are also accepted and can be mailed to the address above or made online at www.adoptionnetwork.org/donate. Please indicate the gift is designated to the Gift Card Drive in the "Special Instructions" field. For more info, contact tammy.willet@adoptionnetwork.org. Community and civic group collections welcome!
Thank you for Remembering the Big Kids this year!
Deadline: December 21, 2018 for the Holiday Season