Our Address:
12200 Fairhill Road, Floor A3
Fairhill Partners Collaborative Campus
Cleveland, OH 44120

Provide the Power of Shared Connections | Donate to Adoption Network Cleveland Today

We share an experience–an understanding of adoption as a complex, lifelong journey. While conversations with anyone in our lives can influence us, there is a deep impact in finding peer connections, support, healing, or understandings with others who are touched by adoption and affirm our experiences. As your network, we are honored to avail spaces, places, programs, and resources to provide you with the power of shared experiences!

We need your help to sustain and grow our impact for our shared community. Your support ensures staff are available to organize gatherings, host speakers, guide volunteers, speak with individuals struggling with their journey, provide search assistance, and advocate for policies that benefit, protect, and support those whose experiences unify us as a network.

As a thank you for your support, we want to share a little recent feedback that donations to Adoption Network Cleveland make possible:

“OMG, I was *so* glad to see the DNA group -- my (child) found me through Ancestry -- I was delighted to be found and the DNA group was the first ANC group I attended.”

“Being able to attend so many meetings through the course of a month has been invaluable. I love that all parts of the triad, etc. are represented and the conversations and perspectives really give a much fuller picture of this story/journey I am on.”

“Meeting other birth mothers has helped my healing journey progress faster than when I thought I was alone.”

 We believe that for us to share our adoption, foster, kinship, or DNA discovery we need a centralized, respected, organization with polished expertise to foster safe sharing of experiences. Whether someone’s journey includes mostly joy or trauma, we know that a journey is best not taken alone.

This is why Adoption Network Cleveland is here for you, and for those you love. Your support will let another know their experience is a shared one. Donate TODAY!

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