Our Address:
12200 Fairhill Road, Floor A3
Fairhill Partners Collaborative Campus
Cleveland, OH 44120

Advocate Educate Support

We recognize adoption as a complex, lifelong, and intergenerational journey with ongoing impact for all those whose lives are touched by it.

Important Message from our Board Chair

Upcoming Events

Memoir Monday: Growing Up Adopted, Adored, and Afraid with author and adoptee, Janice Jones

8:00 PM - 9:00 PM ET | Monday, January 27th

Janice Jones reads vignettes from her memoir, Dr. Beare’s Daughter, that illustrate how being adopted caused her to silence her own voice in her struggle to be that elusive, golden child she believed her parents really wanted—their own. She shares insights into life as an adoptee, that she gained from writing her story, and how publishing it finally gave her real self a voice in the world and helped her become whole. She invites questions and offers encouragement for participants to share their own stories as part of a healing journey. Read more about Janice here

Thank You Corporate Partners!

Together we build community and help create a brighter future.

Our Mission

Adoption Network Cleveland connects and empowers individuals, organizations, and communities impacted by adoption and foster care, providing a source of healing for those in need since 1988.

See how Adoption Network Cleveland changes lives.

On the Blog

In November, Adoption Network Cleveland’s board welcomed five new board members: Denise Astorino, Tashyana Copeland, Cory Isler-Manzo, Nikki Lewis, and Andrew Mangels.

Adoption Network Cleveland needs YOU to become part of our public policy advocacy efforts! Let us know how you would like to contribute in the coming year by completing a quick survey so we can reach out on the issues you care about most!

Estes Turner has been a constant source of support, serving as a volunteer, donor, participant, and mentor since the early 1990s. Estes's commitment to helping others has been a gift, and we are honored to have had him participate in and help shape our community for so many years. Thank you, Estes!